Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A journey of a thousand steps...

Another new semester has started at SLIS and one of my courses this semester is 705 - Intro to Research in Library and Information Science. Our primary assignment for this course is to draft a research proposal on a topic related to Library and Information Science. This research log is a component of that assignment and will serve as a place for me to record my thoughts, process, findings, and notes throughout the writing of the proposal.

In the past, I've often kept a research log of sorts as I was working on larger school assignments. Usually it was just a Word document where I would jot down quick notes of things to remember, keep track of my bibliography, and keep detailed notes of the reading I was doing. I'm interested to see how a blog format will replace this for this semester and if it will be more or less helpful. I think the feedback portion of a blog will make this a more fruitful endeavor than my previous M.O. of a single private document.

So, let's get started ...

1 comment:

  1. A good beginning; where do you stand in your journey to develop a research proposal for J705?
